And the weekend comes at the end of the week which, in Britain, finally brought warm weather! We seem to have skipped spring altogether, and moved straight to summer - which is a shame for me, because spring is easily my favourite season. Ho-hum.
Today I'll be going to a 1970s-themed murder mystery party... which I'm also writing. And that tense is used intentionally, since I still haven't finished writing it... eek! Best get a move on; just time to tell you about a blog post, a book, and a link.
1.) The book - isn't new, but is a mini-project between me and Karen / Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings, which we're inviting everyone to join in with. I love doing little readalongs with other bloggers, so if I see that they've recently bought a book I've been intending to read, I quite often pop a comment in, seeing if they'd like to read at the same time. Karen and I talked about reading Nina Bawden together (an author I've yet to read, although I have a few of her books) and the only one we both owned was A Woman of My Age. So we'll be both be reading it, and probably posting about it sometime towards the end of the month. Do join in!
2.) The link - I have got so obsessed BuzzFeed of late... yes, the cute animals, but also myriad other addictive lists. I do love a list. Most recently, I have been amazed by these optical illusions (particularly numbers 11 and 14).
3.) The blog post - read about the postal book group I'm in, and the fantastic book Danielle sent around this time, in her blog post here.
Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013
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