Welcome to the first Weekend Miscellany of 2013! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year, whoever you were with. As of Thursday, I'm back in Oxford, having refuelled on cat, countryside, and family.
1.) The blog post - lovely Thomas at My Porch has had a clear-out, and (as well as admiring his lovely shelves) you can put your name in the draw for his duplicate Dorothy Whipple books. US residents only, though, since he wanted to keep the Whipples in a country where they're difficult to find. It's open til 31st January.
2.) The link - I've yet to listen to it, but Mary has passed on the info about a Radio 4 programme on the incredible Margaret Rutherford. Click here for it. If I had a time machine, I'd probably (mis)use it just to go and see her on the stage as Miss Hargreaves. What bliss that would be...
3.) The book - I really loved The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets by Eva Rice (it was in my top books of 2008), so I was very excited to receive a review copy of her new book, The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp - with a lovely note from Eva too. My reading will be taken up by Vanity Fair for the foreseeable future, but Eva Rice's is one of many 21st century books I've been holding off until A Century of Books was finished. If it's half as good as The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets, then I'll adore it!
And not forgetting... the readalong of Cheerful Weather for the Wedding is coming up soon! A lovely lot of people seemed keen - see here for details - I suggest we post reviews sometime in the week beginning Monday 28th January, and I'll post links and have a discussion here. Fun fun!
Jumat, 04 Januari 2013
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