Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Virago Secret Santa!

I've opened my first Christmas present - not illicitly, it was Opening Day for a Virago Modern Classics LibraryThing Secret Santa.  My Secret Santa was especially Secret.  I guessed who it was as soon as I saw their comment, in the thread about it all, that they knew their Santee had too many books already.  An accurate description of moi, non?  And then my Santa - who also happens to be my supervisor in the Bodleian - texted and asked when my last day was before Christmas.  The clues, they accrued!  I told Verity my suspicions, and... she threw me off the scent for a day or two.  But I was right ;)

And today I opened up a lovely Slighty Foxed edition of The Young Ardizzone by Edward Ardizzone.  I know that anything SF publish will be wonderful, so I'm excited about it - and, as I flicked through, I discovered that the first two chapters are set in East Bergholt.  It's a beautiful Suffolk village that my grandparents lived in for about forty years, so I know it pretty well - a lovely coincidence.

Can you tell that I'm delighted with it?  Christmas has begun!

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