Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Thank you!

(Firstly, apologies if my review of Love at Second Sight, see below, appears twice in Google Reader etc. - I published it early by mistake, then deleted and republished!)

I've found the discussion on yesterday's post so, so interesting and helpful - thank you so much for joining in, if you did.  I hope it was clear that my post was talking to myself, as much as anyone, and that I was trying to address a more general point about the blogosphere, rather than just my blog.  I'm glad so many of us are going to make the same commenting resolution for 2013!  (Although this particular little post can probably be ignored, commentingwise ;) )

Just an update - I recently reinstated the word verification (having had it off for ages) because I was sick of getting dozens of spam comments everyday.  Blogger works out that they're spam, and they don't appear here, but they fill up my inbox.  However, after feedback yesterday, I've removed the word verification - as that does seem to make quite a difference to people's experience of commenting.

Happy Thursday!  I'll be spending much of my day on a train - but it'll be worth it, cos I'm going hoooome for Chriiiiistmas!  I'll reply to all of your comments (another thing which seems to make a difference, and which is a heck of a lot more fun for me than deleting spam emails!) as soon as I can.
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