Jumat, 30 November 2012

Stuck-in-a-Book's Weekend Miscellany

Happy Weekend, one and all.  And happy December, no less.  I'm feeling pretty proud of myself at the mo, because I've basically finished my Christmas shopping.  True, I wasn't buying for many, but it's nice to get it done and dusted, rather than trailing around Yeovil in the week before Christmas.  Yeovil is many things, but a horn o' plenty it is not.  I tell you what does keep giving and giving - and that's the Weekend Miscellany.  Enjoy!

1.) The book - I've tended to turn down review copies during 2012, as A Century of Books has restricted the (already limited) number of new books I wanted to read - but I was very tempted by A is for Angelica by Iain Broome, published by Legend Press.  Here's the info I was sent:
Set in a northern mining town, the novel deftly draws us into the secretive life of troubled Gordon Kingdom. Gordon struggles with the fate of his seriously ill wife and patiently observes the unusual goings-on of his neighbours in Cressingham Vale. The arrival of the enigmatic Angelica prompts Gordon to make difficult decisions, as well as to embark on a flurry of cake baking. The book elegantly weaves prosaic tragedy, dark comedy and Hitchcockian menace.

It all sounds like it might fit with my love of Edward Carey, Barbara Comyns etc.  I'll let you know when I get around to reading it!

2.) The blog post - I know I've been championing Claire's reading of A.A. Milne all year, but if you read only one review of an A.A. Milne book this year, make it her brilliant review of Peace With Honour.  It's definitely made me want to re-read it.

3.) The link - I've been getting into the sketch comedy of BriTANick on Youtube.  It's sometimes 'a little near the knuckle', as Our Vicar's Wife would say, but a lot of it is also very funny.  Here's their brilliant Every Academy Award Winning Movie Ever Trailer (er, the screencap isn't very representative of the content):

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