Minggu, 04 November 2012
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My Life in Books - Series Three over!
My Life in Books - Series Three over!
Thanks so much to everyone who participated in My Life in Books this year - another great line-up of wonderful bloggers, and lots of inspiring choices. This is just a short post to say how much I enjoyed the week - and it seems like you all did too - because I wanted to leave the focus on people's answers before moving on to reviews etc. Do go back and read, comment, visit their blogs etc.
I intend to another series next March, I think - if you would like to be considered as a participant, or can think of a blogger whom I've yet to ask (first two series archive here, and I'll put up an updated version soon) then let me know!
Coming up in the next few weeks - photos from my holiday, including my first ever pumpkin carving; I do a u-turn on a famous novelist; a funny sequel; a brilliant novella which was my first Kindle [for PC] read; a really lovely children's author's memoir - and, on Wednesday, my birthday!
See you soon.
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